Austin Dam Disaster

The Austin Dam, also known as the Bayless Dam, was a concrete gravity dam in the Austin, Pennsylvania area that served the Bayless Pulp and Paper Mill. Built in 1909, It was the largest dam of its type in Pennsylvania at the time. The catastrophic failure of the dam on September 30, 1911 caused significant destruction and loss of life in Freeman Run Valley below the dam.

Austin Dam Disaster
In 1900, George Bayless, owner of Bayless Paper, built a paper mill in the Freeman Run Valley. By 1909, the company realized that occasional dry seasons required a more reliable water source. After finding a small earthen dam to be inadequate, the T. Chalkey Hatton firm was commissioned to build a large concrete gravity dam across the valley. The dam was 50 feet (15 m) high, 540 feet (160 m) long and cost $86,000 to construct. It was designed to be thirty feet thick, but was built only twenty feet thick. Because it was deemed too expensive, an underground vertical concrete slab, which had been designed to prevent water seeping under the dam through the soil the dam sat on, was not built, on Bayless's orders. At the time, there were no state regulations or requirements in Pennsylvania about the building of dams.

Within only a few months of its completion, problems were detected. Water was seeping under the dam, which also bowed more than 36 feet (11 m) under the pressure of the water it was holding, and the concrete started cracking. The bowing was alleviated by using dynamite to blast a 13-foot (4.0 m) space for the excess water to spill over. The cracking was claimed to be normal because of the drying cement.

On September 30, 1911, a holiday, after a week of rainstorms which raised the level of the reservoir to only two feet below the overflow level, the dam failed. Part of the structure slid down approximately 50 feet (15 m), while another opened like a door, allowing the impounded water to flow freely down the narrow valley. The wall of water destroyed the paper mill, as well as much of the town of Austin, which was so deeply covered by water in places that only church steeples could be seen. Due to the slope of the valley, the east side of the town received more damage. More details